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A sincere and loving relative can take better care of a bed ridden patient at home than in a costly nursing home.


Ask to buy or borrow urine pot, bed pan, Piece of Macintosh, small soft pillows, air cushion ring.


Bed should be soft and uniform. Bedsheets should be tightly tucked in without wrinkles. If patient can afford water, it is ideal for semiconscious patients to prevent Bed sores.


Instruct the relatives to change position every 1 or 2 hours.

Feeding should be done preferably in sitting position and by self help. Ryle’s tube deeds in semi conscious patients.


Give protein supplements. Avoid foods that may cause diarrhea.

If there is tendency to constipation or if patient’s voluntary control is poor, Give enema on alternate days to evaluate the bowels. So that there is no soiling during the day. Use simple enema or disposable Neotonic enema.

Instruct the relatives to sponge the patient everyday with a wet towel followed by dry towel, followed by Eau-de-clone and talcum powder. Teach them to move all the limb joints through full range, several times a day.

Check every 2-3 days for bedsores over sacrum, back, greater trochanter and ankles. If bedsore is developed, dressing and padding.


Avoid soakage of bed by urine or stools, as bedsores develop very quickly in such cases. Treat diarrhoeas vigorously.

If urinary incontinence, apply a condom catheter. If urinary retention, insert a Foley’s catheter and give daily bladder wash with boiled water and Piodine.

Encourage deep breathing to prevent pneumonia.


With advancing age, many old people become bedridden, semi comatose or comatose, and they have to be nursed in that state for several weeks or months. Average families cannot afford to keep them in Nursing homes for prolonged periods and the more convenient, economical and loving way is to take care at home under supervision and help of their family doctors.




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